Where to add a new rule

In the workflows/ directory, jflow provides a rules.py file where new types can be added.

├── bin/
├── docs/
├── src/
├── workflows/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── extparsers/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── formats.py
│   ├── rules.py   [ file where to add new jflow rules ]
│   └── types.py
├── applications.properties

How to add a new rule

Their are three types of rules : simple rules, link rules and conditional link rules.

Simple rules

To create a such rule, create a class that inherit from the SimpleRule class:

class YourRule (SimpleRule):
	def check():
		# Your code

Into the check() function, write how to check the rule.

As the rule inherit from SimpleRule class, it has some attributes already defined:

Name Type Description
user_args Dict Dictionary describing arguments given by the user: name of each parameter as key, associated with their own values.
wf_instance Workflow instance The workflow instance object.
parameter_name string Name of the parameter containing the rule.
parameter_value string Value of the parameter containing the rule.
all_files List List of all files given by the user, in any parameter.
wf_parameter Parameter instance The parameter object containing the rule.
is_file_list boolean True if the parameter is an input file list.
is_a_file boolean True if the parameter is an input file.
is_file boolean True if the parameter is an input file or an input file list.
is_directory boolean True if the parameter is an input directory
is_file_or_directory boolean True if the parameter is an input file, an input file list or an input directory.
nb_rows Dict Number of rows for each MultipleParameterList. Example: {sample:3, data:2}, where sample and data are the name of tow MultipleParameterList.

Conditional rules

These rules are like simple rules, but are enabled only if the parameter has one of given values.

To create the rule, create a class that inherit from the Conditional class:

class YourRule (ConditionalRule):
	def check():
		# Your code

Into the check() function, write how to check the rule.

As the rule inherit from the SimpleRule class, it has the same attributes a Simple rule have. But it has also additional attributes:

Name Type Description
conditions List List of parameter values that enabled the rule.
condition_raised string Value that enables the parameter if any, else None

Raise an error or a warning in a rule

Into the check() function of your rule, when the rule generate an error, use the function self.error().
Example: self.error("Parameter " + self.parameter_name + " was not correct").

If the rule generate a warning, use the function self.warning() instead.
Example: self.warning("Parameter " + self.parameter_name + " will be ignored")

How to use a new rule

To add a rule on a parameter, define the argument "rule" on the add_parameter function of the workflow. The rule is written as follow, depending of the type of rule. To use several rules on the same parameter, join them by a ";".

Rules can also be added to inputs (files, files list, directories) and multiple parameters, on their dedicated function.

Simple rules

Just write the name of the rule. Warning: this name is case-sensitive

Example: Unique

Conditional rules

The syntax of this rule is like that: <name_of_the_rule>?(ALL|ANY)[<conditions>].

ALL or ANY: if ALL is set, all conditions must be raised to activate the rule. If ANY is set, the condition is raised if at least one condition is raised.

Conditions are written with this structure : <parameter_name>=<parameter_value> (if parameter must be equal to value) or <parameter_name>!=<parameter_value> (if parameter must be not equal to value. The parameter name is the name of a workflow parameter. If the parameter is the one into the rule is defined, we can use the keyword self instead of its name.
Special values:

  • parameter_name=*: condition is raised if the parameter is given, regardless of its value
  • parameter_name=None: condition is raised if the parameter is not given

Example : RequiredIf?ALL[param_1=value_1,param_2!=value_2].